Good Afternoon:

We hope you are all enjoying the slower pace here in the square with the students on break. We have a couple of exciting new things happening at Malkin and Hemenway that we wanted to share with you.

Thank you.

Harvard Recreation Presents Century Cycling Challenge

·        April 7th -May 4th

·        National Bike Month is right around the corner therefore we challenge you to complete a Cycling Class Century (a century is a 100 mile ride) in a month.

·        Register online between March 24th to April 3rd.

·        Simply participate in Indoor Cycling classes at the MAC & Hemenway between April 7th & May 4th. You can track your mileage using a flash drive with the Schwinn consoles.

·        Participants will win a prize for each century that is completed between April 7th and May 4th.

·        The top male & female finishers will win a pair of Cycling shoes


Be on the lookout for Floor Trainers.


·        We are excited to announce the addition of three new floor trainers to both MAC and HEM.

·        They can help you lift safely with proper form.

·        They will also be leading fun new fitness challenges in the upcoming months. 

·        Bonnie, Lynne and Andrew will be in the crimson colored t-shirts. Feel free to say hi and reach out to them with any fitness questions you have!