Dear colleagues:


The next symposium of the Modern Greek Studies Association (MGSA) will be held November 2-5, 2017, at Stockton University in New Jersey (near Atlantic City).  Since the deadline for submission of proposals for panels, other sessions, and individual papers is in January 2017 (only 4 months away), an ad hoc organizing group of four of us (Rhea Lesage, George Paganelis, Dia Phillipides, and I) talked by phone yesterday to start planning for at least one panel and one “special session,” each on bibliography, libraries, and archives, for the 2017 symposium.


The detailed definitions, instructions, and rules for panels and special sessions are at: .  Please take a look at these and let me or any of the others on the ad hoc organizing group know if you would be interested in participating.


We envision the “special session” as a lunch-time discussion, probably 1.5 hours, with scholars and students in Modern Greek studies interacting with bibliographers, librarians, and archivists on how to get access to needed research resources.  The tentative title is “Conducting Research in Modern Greek Studies.”


A more formal panel would also be nice to have, the tentative title at this point is “Recent developments in Modern Greek libraries, archives, bibliography.”  We have several tentative papers proposed already.  The paper proposals are reviewed blindly by the Symposium program committee, and the abstracts therefore cannot have any identifying information about the paper-giver.   It would be especially nice and timely to have a paper on recent and significant digital developments, to follow up on the digital-related presentations made in 2006 at the Consortium meeting at the Gennadius Library in Athens.


Please contact any or all of us organizers with your ideas – here is our contact information:


George Paganelis:

Rhea Karabelas Lesage:

Dia Philippides:

Harry Leich:


Best regards to all,

