Dear Rhea,


We also did a trial (of the EBSCO platform) three years ago and library users who sent their feedback, were in favor of keeping the original platform. “Easier to search” and to “order the results by date of publication” were some of the comments in favor of “L’ année” original interface. Given the fact that the original platform is updated daily, I don’t see us moving to the EBSCO interface any time soon.





Maria Tourna, MSc

Senior Librarian in Charge of the Blegen Library

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
54 Souidias Street, GR-106 76 Athens, Greece
Telephone: (+30) 213-000-2400 (ext. 118)

Fax: (+30) 210-7250-584

From: Lesage, Rhea Karabelas []
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 8:02 PM
Subject: L'Année philologique question


Dear colleagues,


Since EBSCO only receives annual updates from the publisher, Harvard chose to stay with the original platform that is updated daily.  Our subscription is up for renewal soon. Do users feel that the preferred EBSCO interface makes up for the considerable lag? I’d welcome feedback either on or off list.


Many thanks!




Rhea K. Lesage

Librarian for Hellenic Studies and Coordinator for the Classics

Collection Development

Widener Library Room G60A

Harvard College Library

Cambridge, MA 02138


(office) 617.495.2426

(facsimile) 617.496.8704


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