The David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS)
proudly announces its most recent thesis prize competition:

Kenneth Maxwell Thesis Prize in Brazilian Studies

The Kenneth Maxwell Thesis Prize in Brazilian Studies -- which will be awarded for the first time this Spring, as the golden key to DRCLAS's "Brazil Semester at Harvard" -- was established to recognize the best Harvard College senior thesis on a subject related to Brazil.  Candidates may be nominated by their department/concentration/instructional committee, or candidates may nominate their own theses.  This annual prize is funded by a gift to DRCLAS from Professor Kenneth Maxwell.  The winner is determined in late May and announced at the DRCLAS Certificate Ceremony held on June 8.  This prize carries a monetary award of $500.

Deadline for submissions: FRIDAY, MAY 6, 2005 

This prize will join the prestigious James R. and Isabel D. Hammond Thesis Prize for the best thesis related to Spanish-speaking Latin America (established in 1992) and the Inter-Faculty Committee on Latino Studies Thesis Prize for the best thesis on a subject concerning Latinos (established in 2003).  For more information on these prizes, please see:

I am delighted to report that (to my knowledge) there are at least 4 seniors this year who have written Brazil-related theses.  If you are aware of any Harvard College seniors who have written theses on Brazil, please forward this notice to them. 

To submit a thesis for consideration, please contact:
Tomás Amorim, Brazilian Studies Program Coordinator & Research Associate at DRCLAS, at