Harvard University’s Department of History and the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies present the

2007 John H. Parry Memorial Lecture


Race Relations in the Atlantic World: 1500 – 1800

Francisco Bethencourt, Charles Boxer Professor of History at King’s College, London

Introduction by Professor Kenneth Maxwell, Harvard University

Monday, April 2   5:00 PM

Harvard University
CGIS South building, Tsai Auditorium
1730 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

Reception to follow
This lecture explores the impact of the increasing knowledge of African and American peoples on Europe, and the ways perceptions of humankind were reshaped by new colonial societies. Professor Bethencourt is the former director of both the National Library of Portugal and the Gulbenkian Foundation Cultural Centre in Paris. He is currently working on the history of race relations and racism in the Atlantic world, 1500-1800.