The Brazil Studies Program at Harvard’s David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies presents

Tuesday Seminar: Urban Crime in Brazil

A Presentation by Claudio Beato, Lemann Visiting Scholar, DRCLAS.

Claudio Beato Filho is a Professor at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Minas Gerais Federal University (UFMG). He received his Bachelor’s degree in Social Science from UFMG and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the Rio de Janeiro Institute for Graduate Studies. He has been a visiting professor at the Center for Brazilian Studies, Oxford University, England and is currently the coordinator of the Center for Studies in Criminality and Public Security at the UFMG and a Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brazil.  He has authored numerous works on the subject of criminality, violence and public policy on security. He is a consultant to the Inter-American Development Bank, the United Nations Development Programme and the Colombian government. He will be the Lemann Visiting Scholar during the Fall 2009 semester working on a project entitled Urban Spaces and Crime Control in Brazil.

Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Time: 12:00 - 2:00 pm
Location: CGIS South, S-250, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge
Contact: Monica Tesoriero,

The Tuesday Seminar is co-sponsored by the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs.


Brazilian Film Series: Notícias de uma Guerra Particular

Directed by Kátia Lund and João Moreira Salles

Considered one of the best contemporary Brazilian documentaries, Notícias de uma Guerra Particular (News from a Personal War) offers a chilling portrayal of violence in Rio de Janeiro.  Depicting the daily life of a Favela that has been taken over by the drug war, the film offers sharp interviews with several individuals involved in the conflict including security specialists, policemen, drug dealers, and shantytown dwellers who are trapped in the crossfire of a war that knows no winners.

Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Time: 6:00-8:00pm
Location: TSAI Auditorium, 1730 Cambridge Street
Contact: Marcio Siwi,

Brazilian Film Series is co-sponsored by the Harvard Brazilian Organization
