Dear Applied Statistics Community,

Please join us this Wednesday when Jeff Gill--Department of Political Science and Director Center for Applied Statistics, Washington University St Louis-- will present "Circular Data in Political Science and How to Handle It", work that is joint with Dominik Hangartner.  Jeff and Dominik provided the following abstract

There has been no attention to circular (purely cyclical) data in political science research. We show
that such data exists and is generally mishandled by models that do not take into account the inherently
recycling nature of some phenomenon. Clock and calendar effects are the obvious cases, but directional
data exists as well. We develop a modeling framework based on the von Mises distribution and apply it to
two datasets: casualties in the second Iraq war and suicides in Switzerland. Results clearly demonstrate
the importance of circular regression models to handle periodic data.

Jeff and Dominik also provided a preliminary draft of their paper, which is available here

The applied statistics workshop meets at 12 noon in room N-354 of CGIS-Knafel (1737 Cambridge St), with a light lunch served.  The presentations begin around 1215 and conclude at about 130 pm. 

Please send me any questions or comments
