Dear Applied Statistics Workshop,

Please join us this Wednesday, March 4th when Jamie Robins will present ``A Bold Vision of Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy: Finding Causal Effects Without Background Knowledge or Statistical Independences", a project that is joint with Thomas Richardson, Ilya Shpitser, and Steffen Lauritzen.  Jamie provided the following abstract:

 I describe a statistical methodology based on philosophy, causal directed acyclic graphs, and a pinch of magic and miracle that holds the promise of
 making a silk purse of causal knowledge out of the sow's ear of an observational data set with no obvious structure. In 10 years or so, for better or worse, 
this methodology may become part of mainstream genomics.

The workshop will meet at 12 noon in room K-354, CGIS-Knafel (1737 Cambridge St) with a light lunch served.  The presentation will begin at 1215 and usually ends around 130 pm.  All are welcome

Justin Grimmer