Hi all,

Unfortunately, today's seminar is canceled. Instead, we will have an informal session on the regular zoom link: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/99424949004?pwd=aWtPNFM3ZzFYbWxIMXNoZDlyUElVZz09


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Thach, Elizabeth <elizabeth_thach@fas.harvard.edu>
Date: Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 10:37 AM
Subject: Cancellation: Opportunity Insights Lunch and IQSS Joint talk Wednesday, October 28th at 12 noon (EST)

Good morning,

Unfortunately, due to unavoidable circumstances, today’s join lunch session with the IQSS  is cancelled.  Please join us for the next OI lunch on  November 11, when Douglas Staiger (Dartmouth College), Sean Reardon (Stanford University), and Thomas J. Kane (Harvard) are presenting.


Please see the attached revised schedule which reflects all changes to the semester’s schedule, namely that there is no lecture on Nov. 4. Rediet Abebe will be speaking in the spring. Please let me know if you have any questions.






Elizabeth Thach

Executive Assistant

(p) 617-496-5409


My pronouns are: she, her, hers


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