Dear Applied Statistics Community,

Please join us for our final meeting tomorrow when Thomas Yee, Department of Statistics, University of Auckland will present ``Vector generalized linear and additive models".  Thomas provided the following abstract for his talk:

The class of vector generalized linear and additive models (VGLMs/VGAMs) is very large and contains many statistical models relevant to quantitative social science, e.g., univariate and multivariate distributions, categorical data analysis, time series, survival analysis, extreme value analysis, mixture models, correlated binary data, and nonlinear regression. I'll first give an overview of the framework and tie it in with practice using my VGAM package for R. Then we will focus on two sub-topics: reduced-rank VGLMs and quantile/expectile regression. The former handles the reduced-rank multinomial logit model (aka stereotype model) and Goodman's row-column association model; applications of the latter are becoming popular in many fields. Time allowing, I'll describe several sub-projects I'm currently working on since arriving at IQSS.

The Applied Statistics workshop meets each Wednesday in room K-354, CGIS-Knafel (1737 Cambridge St).  We start at 12 noon with a light lunch, with presentations beginning around 1215 and we usually wrap up around 130 pm.

I hope you can make it!

Justin Grimmer