Dear Applied Statistics Workshop,

Please join us this Wednesday, December 10th, when Amanda Cox (who is with the New York Times) when she will present "Open Problems in NYT Graphics".  Amanda provided the following abstract:

The New York Times graphics department is a group of about 30 journalists who make the charts, maps and diagrams for the print and online versions of the paper.  This talk is a (completely unofficial) guide to some of the problems the department faces on an ongoing basis, including how to represent uncertainty in an accessible way, and how to move beyond something I call "Here is some data:" toward something closer to inference.

The applied statistics workshop meets at 12 noon in room K-354, CGIS-Knafel (1737 Cambridge St) with a light lunch.  Presentations start at 1215 pm and usually end around 130 pm.  As always, all are welcome and please email me with any questions.

Justin Grimmer