I am forwarding the following paper to the list upon request of the authors and because a number of people expressed interest in seeing it. Jamie Robins presented this work earlier this year in the workshop.

Have a great weekend!


Single World Intervention Graphs (SWIGs):

available at http://www.csss.washington.edu/Papers/

Working Paper Number 128


A Unification of the Counterfactual and Graphical

Approaches to Causality


Thomas S. Richardson , University of Washington

James M. Robins Harvard University


Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences

University of Washingtonhttp://www.csss.washington.edu/Papers/


Konstantin Kashin
Ph.D. Candidate in Government
Harvard University

Mobile: 978-844-0538
E-mail: kkashin@fas.harvard.edu
Site: http://www.konstantinkashin.com/