Dear workshop community,

We will convene for the Applied Statistics Workshop (Gov 3009) next week on Wednesday (3/06).

The speaker is  Ingmar Weber (Research Director, Social Computing Group at Qatar Computing Research Institute) who will be presenting his work, "Tapping Into Public Advertising Data to Monitor Migration, Gender Gaps, Poverty and, Maybe, Censorship".

Where: CGIS Knafel Building, Room K354 (see this link for directions).

When: Wednesday, March 6th at 12 noon - 1:30 pm.

Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networks provide advertisers with “audience estimates” on how many of their users match certain targeting criteria. These estimates are usually used for budget planning and include targeting criteria such as (i) countries a user has lived in, (ii) their gender, and (iii) the type of mobile device they use. In this talk I report on how we work with UN agencies and other partners to use this type of information to monitoring international migration, track digital gender gaps and map poverty. I’ll also discuss some observations around sudden fluctuations in the number of daily active users which seem to be related to temporary country-level blocks of these platforms.

All are welcome! Lunch is provided!


Connor Jerzak
Applied Statistics Workshop -- Graduate Student Coordinator
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