Dear Applied Statistics Community,

Please join us this Wednesday as we welcome Joseph Blitzstein, Department of Statistics, Harvard University, who will present 'In and Out of Network Sampling'.

Joe provided the following abstract for his talk , 

In recent years it has become extremely common to need to work with
network data, in applications such as the study of social networks,
protein interaction networks, and the Internet. This has required the
development of new generative models such as exponential random graph
models and power law models. Yet it is usually prohibitively expensive
to observe or work with the full network, so sampling within the
network is generally required.

Various approaches to network sampling, such as respondent-driven
sampling, have been proposed. But when will the generative mode mesh
well with the sampling scheme? This question is crucial for reliable
inference about networks, yet the question is seldom addressed and
much remains unknown. We will discuss generating random networks and
sampling within a network, and their interactions. Based on joint work
with Ben Olding.

The workshop will begin at 12 noon with a light lunch and the presentation will begin at 1215. The workshop is help in room N354, CGIS-Knafel, 1737 Cambridge St.  

Please Contact me with any questions

Justin Grimmer