Dear Applied Statistics Community,


This Wednesday the applied statistics workshop presents Donald Rubin -- Department of Statistics, Harvard University – who will present, "Direct and Indirect Causal Effects:  An unhelpful distinction?"  Don has suggested the following papers provide a helpful background to his talk:

2003 - "Assumptions Allowing the Estimation of Direct Causal Effects: Discussion of `Healthy,
Wealthy, and Wise? Tests for Direct Causal Paths Between Health and Socioeconomic
Status' by Adams et al.'". Journal of Econometrics, 112, pp. 79-87. (With F. Mealli.)

 2004 - "Direct and Indirect Causal Effects Via Potential Outcomes." The Scandinavian Journal of
Statistics, 31, pp. 161-170; 196-198, with discussion and reply

"Causal Inference Using Potential Outcomes: Design, Modeling, Decisions." 2004 Fisher
Lecture. The Journal of the American Statistical Association, 100, 469, pp. 322-331.

The workshop meets at 12 noon in room N-354 CGIS-Knafel (1737 Cambridge St) with a light lunch, with presentations usually beginning at 1215. 


Please send along any comments or concerns


