Dear all,

Please join us for the Applied Statistics Workshop (Gov 3009) this Wednesday, November 2 from 12.00 - 1.30 pm in CGIS Knafel Room 354. Amber Brown, Senior Research Scientist at Disney Research, and Joe Marks, Vice President and Fellow of Disney Research, will give a talk entitled "Empirical Social Science at Disney Research". As always, a light lunch will be provided. 

The abstract for the presentation is: 

At Disney Research we mostly work on technologies that are relevant to our various businesses: computer graphics, computer vision, robotics, human-computer interaction, materials, displays, etc.  But we also have projects in the social sciences, with a heavy emphasis on rigorous empirical testing.  We will describe four recent projects:

An up-to-date schedule for the workshop is available at


Konstantin Kashin
Ph.D. Student in Government
Harvard University

Mobile: 978-844-0538