Dear all--

Just a quick update to this week's schedule, here is the latest:

All clinics are indoors at the Murr Center. 

LOANERS: There are loaner tennis shoes and rackets available at no cost for people attending clinics and lessons.

LADDER: Mike is planning on starting up a new ladder early in 2018, stay tuned for more details.

MONDAY November 20
Lessons with Mike as scheduled
No noon clinic
6:30p-7:30p Open clinic - use prepaid clinic card or pay as you go
7:30p-9:00p Closed clinic - invitation only

TUESDAY November 21 
Lessons with Mike as scheduled
12 noon-1:00p Open clinic - RSVP to Mike if you want to attend - must have 4 to run
No evening clinics

WEDNESDAY November 22 and THURSDAY November 23
No clinics or lessons due to the holiday

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving, and see you on the courts--

Michael Louis Mercier 
Harvard University Head Tennis Professional 
mobile # 978-273-6500 (no texts please)