Hi All,

We hope you all are doing well and your families are continuing to be safe!

Thanks again to everyone in the Harvard Tennis community who works in the healthcare field - we couldn't get through this without you.

           start this Thursday night / check & register online for the schedule of events                                                                                                                                         

Playing Outdoors - Tennis Injury Prevention Tip:

- Warm up before and stretch after! Before you roll your eyes just realize it's easier than you think.
- Warmups: light rolling / self massage / light jog or dynamic stretching
- Cool down: elongation / static stretching
- How long??
- A grand total of: 5-10 minutes for each.
- Wear compression / polyurethem clothes for warmth / compression balls work well when the temperature drops
- Keep your tennis racquet warm - protected indoors ( do not leave in your car overnight ) causes extra tension on frame / strings and your arm
- This is your first line of defense against injury and longer play - before the snow hits the ground again.

🤓  During this time off the tennis court at Harvard - feel free to reach out to me for any information!

You can reach me at mercier@fas.harvard.edu or 978-273-6500. 

Hope to see you soon and take care!


FYI: Bakehaus located in Belmont MA
       442 Common St, Belmont, MA 02478

Michael Louis Mercier

Harvard University
Head Tennis Professional
USPTA Master Tennis Professional
PTR / PPTR Tennis Professional
USTA High Performance Coach
Wilson Advisory Staff
IPTPA certified / Engage Pickleball 
mobile # 978-273-6500